2022.09.25 Programming  spritekit  swiftui  
 2022.09.19 Programming  swiftui  
 2022.09.11 Programming  swiftui  
 2022.09.04 Programming  swiftui  
 2022.08.28 Programming  spritekit  
 2022.08.28 Programming  spritekit  
 2022.08.28 Programming  spritekit  
 2022.07.31 Programming  spritekit  
 2022.07.10 Programming  spritekit  
 2022.07.03 Programming  spritekit  
 2022.06.26 Programming  spritekit  
 2022.06.19 Programming  spritekit  
 2022.06.14 Programming  spritekit  swiftui  
 2022.06.04 Programming  spritekit  
 2022.05.22 Programming  spritekit  
 2022.05.04 Programming  spritekit  
 2022.04.29 Programming  spritekit  
 2022.04.24 Programming  spritekit  



import SwiftUI
import SpriteKit
struct ContentView: View {
    var scene: SKScene {
        let scene = GameScene()
        scene.size = CGSize(width: 300, height: 400)
        scene.scaleMode = .fill
        return scene

    var body: some View {
        SpriteView(scene: scene)
            .frame(width: 300, height: 400)
struct ContentView: View {
let width = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width
let height = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height

var body: some View {
let scene = GameScene()
scene.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
scene.scaleMode = .resizeFill
return SpriteView(scene: scene)
.frame(width: width, height: height)

import SpriteKit
import GameplayKit
class GameScene: SKScene {
let width = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width
let height = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height
var shapeNode = SKShapeNode()
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
backgroundColor = .blue
let rect = CGRect(x: -1 * width / 2,
y: -1 * height / 2,
width: width,
height: height);
self.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(edgeLoopFrom: rect)
physicsWorld.gravity = CGVector(dx: 0.0, dy: -1.0)
print("frame what?")
// 落下するボール
shapeNode = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 50)
shapeNode.position = CGPoint(x: 0,
y: 150)
shapeNode.fillColor = .white
shapeNode.strokeColor = .blue
shapeNode.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: shapeNode.frame.width / 2)
shapeNode.physicsBody?.isDynamic = true
shapeNode.physicsBody?.linearDamping = 0.1
shapeNode.physicsBody?.restitution = 0.8
// 動かないボール
let shapeNode3 = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 50)
shapeNode3.position = CGPoint(x: 40, y: -90)
shapeNode3.fillColor = .red
shapeNode3.strokeColor = .red
shapeNode3.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: shapeNode.frame.width / 2)
shapeNode3.physicsBody?.isDynamic = false
shapeNode3.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set, with event: UIEvent?) {
dx: Double(arc4random_uniform(200)) - 100.0,
dy: Double(arc4random_uniform(200)) - 100.0))
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set, with event: UIEvent?) {